DTN Midday Livestock Comments 02/06 11:58
Feeder Cattle Futures Tumble Lower Thursday Morning
Active triple-digit losses developed across cattle futures Thursday morning
as markets have continued to yo-yo through the week. Although the ability to
bring some stability into the market midweek, this was not enough to solidify
buyer support.
Rick Kment
DTN Analyst
Sharp losses have once again developed in live cattle and feeder cattle
futures as traders continue to wrestle with the impact of potential tariff talk
and trade shifts, combined with the overall potential for additional cattle
moving into the system from Mexico. Feeder cattle futures are leading the
downward shift, with nearby contracts posting $5 to $6 per cwt losses at
midday, creating the expectation for further losses before the closing bell.
Hog futures remain mixed in a narrow range, with the focus squarely on cattle
market direction. March corn is up 1/2 at $4.938 and March soybean meal is down
$3.40 at $304.9. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 183.38 at 44,689.90.
Live cattle futures have erased any support seen midweek, with active
triple-digit losses seen in all contract months. April futures have posted the
most aggressive losses during morning trade, with prices over $4 per cwt lower
at midday. The shift lower is now testing April and June futures at the 40-day
moving average level, which may create additional concern through the upcoming
days and weeks. In the last week, live cattle futures have fallen over $11 per
cwt from all-time highs, creating a concern that traders are now searching for
a sense of market support, which, after Thursday's moves, could be hard to
solidify in the near future. The continued shift lower in cash cattle prices
and beef values is adding to the overall futures market weakness. Even though
cattle and beef supplies remain limited, the momentum seen through December and
January has quickly evaporated in the first week of February. Cash cattle
markets are starting to unfold with light trade developing in the South this
morning at $206, about $2 lower than last week's weighted averages. Some asking
prices remain firm around $208 in the South, and $329-plus in the North.
Wednesday, a light scattered trade was reported in parts of the North with
dressed deals at mostly $238, $1 lower than the prior week's weighted average.
A few live deals were reported in Kansas at mostly $205. That is about $3 lower
than the previous week's weighted average.
For the period of Jan. 24 to Jan. 30, 2025, beef net sales of 24,900 mt for
2025 primarily for South Korea (3,900 mt), Japan (3,300 mt), China (2,500 mt),
the Dominican Republic (1,800 mt) and Ecuador (1,800 mt), were offset by
reductions for the United Kingdom (100 MT). Exports of 19,800 mt were primarily
to South Korea (5,700 mt), Japan (5,000 mt), China (3,700 mt), Mexico (1,500
mt) and Taiwan (1,400 mt). February live cattle are $2.35 lower at $201.25,
April live cattle are $4.03 lower at $197.275, June live cattle are $3.50 lower
at $192.40.
Boxed beef prices are mixed: choice down $1.89 ($323.45) and select up $0.31
($314.64) with a movement of 81.81 loads (46.91 loads of choice, 19.58 loads of
select, 9.37 loads of trim and 5.95 loads of ground beef).
Feeder cattle futures continue to weaken as the morning continues with
nearby futures holding $5 to $6 per cwt losses with additional late day
pressure likely to develop across the complex. Although, the most aggressive
losses are seen in nearby March and April futures, all contract months are
taking significant hits with concerns surrounding the opening of import levels
of cattle from Mexico and how this will change the tight supply of beef
currently being factored into prices. March feeder cattle futures have once
again now broken through the 40-day moving average price, after falling over
$14 per cwt from last week's highs. The inability to sustain the recent market
support could leave markets technically unsupported with little, short-term
direction developing from cattle market fundamentals. Feeder cattle sales at
the Southern Oklahoma Livestock Auction posted total receipts of 1,787, nearly
800 less than last week with prices generally $5 to $12 per cwt lower than last
week's levels. March feeders are $5.70 lower at $265.025, April feeders are
$5.65 lower at $264.825 and May feeders are $5.15 lower at $263.65.
Lean hog futures remain at a standstill Thursday morning with very limited
new direction developing in the complex. Nearby futures are holding
single-digit gains with lightly traded May contracts posting a 50-cent loss.
The limited direction in cash market activity through the morning as well as
aggressive selling pressure in cattle markets is allowing for short-term
stability to be seen across all lean hog futures trade. Despite early week
market weakness in the complex, the hog market has regained strong fundamental
buyer support with contracts trading at or near short-term highs after pulling
back from the early week losses. February lean hogs are $0.08 higher at
$86.725, April lean hogs are $0.08 higher at $91.625 and May lean hogs are
$0.50 lower at $95.225.
Hog prices are unreported due to confidentiality on the Daily Direct Morning
Hog report. Pork Cutouts totaled 145.23 loads with 118.46 loads of pork cuts
and 26.77 loads of trim. Pork cutout values are up $0.48 at $92.86.
Come see DTN at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Kentucky,
Feb. 12-15. Our 2025 Global Commodity Market and Weather Outlook presentation,
featuring Lead Analyst Rhett Montgomery and Ag Meteorologist John Baranick is
scheduled for 2:30-3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12; 8:30-10:00 a.m. Thursday, Feb.
13; 10:00-11:00 a.m. Friday, Feb. 14. All times Eastern Standard.
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