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Nov 7th 11/14/19 10:52:16 AM
Are we there yet? I remember saying it and hearing it from my kids. Harvest season is not over and will take awhile before we put the 2019 growing season behind us. It was a record for wet bean receipts. Funny thing is there are plenty of beans yet to be combined. Maybe on Saturday and Sunday we can get a few more cut. Bean yields were good but not as good as the last 2 years. The hail around Buckingham in late September didn’t do those beans any favors. Corn yield reports are very positive. The final yield may not be as good as the last two years but I have heard of some outstanding numbers. Better than expected. Moisture is not as high as it could be. The average moisture on the wet bushels we have received so far is around 21.0%. I don’t know if we have gotten any corn in that was planted in late May or early June. As many of you know our dryer went down last Friday morning. Saturday morning, we determined one of the motors was bad. Being this happened on a weekend didn’t help our cause. We couldn’t find a 150 hp motor in the state of Iowa. On Monday I made a quick trip to the Brock dryer facility in Frankfort, IN to pick one up. By 7:00 am Tuesday morning the new motor was installed. A big SO to Casey for being here when I got back and working on getting us up and running. It did take a while to get the bottom of the dryer put back together so we didn’t start drying again until around 3. We have to limit the amount of wet corn we take in until we make additional room. What space we make, we fill up the following day. Drying corn all day Sunday will help. The cold air temperature isn’t helping our efficiency. Corn and bean basis are actually not as bad as it could be for this time of year. Tomorrow’s USDA report is expected to lower both the corn and bean yields from last month’s report. Will or will it not happen? Report days are always so much fun!! The report of China buying beans has good news. Wish they would buy more. Our corn price is not competitive in the export market. More fuel and livestock demand are what we need. The growing season in SA needs to be monitored. We need our neighbors to the south to have a short crop. Every year has its challenges. We’ll finish up this harvest. We always do. Bob