June 7th
Oct 18th
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Dec 31st
Nov 7th
Oct 10, 2019
July 31, 2019
June 21, 2019
April 23rd
March 6, 2019
Dec 31st  12/31/19 12:32:52 PM

Grain markets have had a nice bounce over the past month and a half.  Basis has stayed firm.  Weather has been nice.  Remember to check your bins at home.  Quality issues can show up pretty fast with warm temps.  Could be a challenge keeping corn in condition. 
Brazil will start harvesting their early bean crop in a week.  Overall the weather in SA has not been much of an issue this year.  I’m sure there are spots that could use some moisture and other spots that would like a few days to dry out.   
USDA January report to be released at 11:00 am on the 10th.  Crop production, Dec 1st stocks, and Supply and demand numbers we give the trade something to chew on for the next 30 days. 
Thoughts and prayers go out to Stan Tow’s family on his passing.  Stan was on the board 15 years ago when I was given the chance to manage.     
Have a safe and Happy New Year! 
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