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Oct 10, 2019  10/10/19 10:51:43 AM

It’s time for harvest to get into full swing.  We had a couple of nice days to get the bugs worked out.  Maybe next week’s weather pattern will turn around.  As of now the forecast looks to be to our benefit.
Corn and beans prices have bounced nicely since the Sept 1st stocks report.  Today’s USDA Crop Production and Supply/Demand report may lead to more tradable news.  Corn basis is strong for this week.  Not much corn moving.  The processor bean number hasn’t moved for several weeks.  Bean yield reports haven’t been as low as I was thinking they would be.  How will the late planted beans yield?  Hand shelled corn samples are in the high 20’s and low 30’s for moisture.  The corn harvest will be long and hard this year.  An LP shortage is also on the horizon.   Another question will be how much fall tillage and fertilizer work gets done.
Fiscal year 2019 ended up being a little better than last year.  We had about 45 people attend our annual meeting last month.  Thank you for your support.
We should be ready to take wet corn next week.  Call to make sure. 
Harvest hrs will be posted on the web page.  Weather will dictate actual hrs of operation.   
Be safe this fall.
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