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July 31, 2019  07/31/19 10:03:49 AM

Today is year end.  Inventory is tomorrow. Auditors will be here next week to do their work.  Annual meeting will be held in Sept. 
I think the maturity of our corn crop isn’t to far behind average with the warm weather we’ve had recently.  We do need some rain.  An inch a week would be great.  The beans look a little small and could also use some rain. 
All eyes are on the next gov’t report on Aug 12th.  The market does need to know a more accurate acreage planting guess.  Yields were adjusted down last month.  We’ll probably see another adjustment on the 12th.  Corn basis is backing off.  Farmers are cleaning bins.  There has been plenty of inventory on wheels.  And we aren’t going to be running out of beans.
Thoughts and prayers go out to Holly and the Ewoldt family.  Tim was a good guy and will be missed by his family and friends.  Gone way to soon.    
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