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March 6, 2019  03/06/19 8:45:52 AM

I’m not the first and won’t be the last to say I’m tired of the snow.  Spring can’t get here soon enough.  Hopefully we can get the snow to melt at a slow pace.  If not, it’s going to get really messy around here. 
The winter conditions have caused some logistic issues witch in turn has seen basis values get better.  Quick ship numbers from the processors have been pretty common the past month.  The bean processors even gave us the H/K spread when they rolled their bids off the May contract.  We need to take advantage of these improvements when presented.  The bean carryout number is still projected to be around 900 mln bushels.  The corn figure should stay in the 1.7 bln bushel area.  Going forward spring planting and summer weather will be the main focus of the trade.  The China trade deal if and when done will also give us some direction.  The spread of the swine flu in China also needs some attention. 
This Friday the USDA will again release their Crop Production and Supply/Demand figures.  As of now we don’t see to many figures getting changed.  Their planting intention numbers will also be published on Friday the 29th
We are now offering free price later for corn bushels.  We still need to move some beans before the bean program will be available.  The free service charge program will end sometime in August.
Last Friday we mailed out FY 2018 cash portion of the company’s earnings.  Thank you for your continued support.
Have a great week and spring will be here before we know it.
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